LifeLike-cheap and quite chic

01 July 2010

First Post!

Hi there readers! I'm quite excited that I finally got a blog started, because I've had the idea kind of rolling around in my head for a while, but now I've actually decided to do it. Okay, so as you can tell from the intro this is a fashion blog. I love reading all of the high-end fashion blogs (they inspire me so much!), but when I see the "where to buy" sections, I get a little depressed. $1000 for a bag? $900 for clogs?? It can get it bit ridiculous. After encountering these prices on the covetable items, I usually go to much cheaper websites (Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, etc.) to look for cheap alternatives-and by cheap I do not mean $90. Here i am going to post cheaper (but still quality) versions of trends, as well as the occasional bit of inspiration (you'll have to wait and see ;) ). Hope to see you soon!

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